Wednesday, May 27, 2009

is the sun shining?

I know I'm not the only person in America absolutly torn over Jon & Kate+8. I love/loved this show. Oh yeah, its dramaticized and what not. But the kids are adorable. And they've always seemed like this awesome family that's so darn real. Jon and Kate argue, the kids whine, the trash doesn't get taken out, and people are trapising in and out at all hours. And, unlike a certain Duggar family, they are most certaintly NOT perfect. So, I hope the best for them. I truly believe the kids are all happy, healthy, adored, and loved.

Next on the pop culture trail, what is Britney Spears doing? Her newest music video/single...oh my. its sort of a new low on the trail of lows. Its kind of a let down. I mean, not that I think she's some sort of super-talented amazing creative performer. But I liked her last two singles (Circus, and Womanizer). Okay, liked is a bit of an overstatement. They were tolerable. A good comback. But the fact that I won't even write the title of her video on my blog is sort of a bad sign.

Okay, I know, what do I really expect.

This post was addmitedly, pointless, but hey. Its finals week. A little blah blah blah is good for the soul.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

wave goodbye, wish me well

SAT results come out Thursday (I am dying of anticipation) and we have two and a half weeks of school left. I'm freaking out about bio and alg. 2. Well, I should be freaking out more than I am. My two major classes (major as in my major, not as in large or big problem--far from it) is done with and I'm pretty sure I did good (probably a B), and I have one paper left for the second, which I'm starting this week because I swear, I am not doing another paper the night before it is due. (Just wait.....this is me)

I'm failing Bio and Alg 2. But again, I'm working. I've never failed a class yet, and you better believe I am not starting now.

English and History are good, all things considered, I should come out with A's.

And dance...heh....I need to do a ton of make-ups. But I will.

My other accomplishment of the semester (or, I guess, year) is I spent a year in the Political Science Club (never mind I did nothing but show up, basically, but shhh) and am now VP (and I plan to do a lot more than just show up). And am relishing the title "Madame Vice President". Which several have used in adressing me of late.

Tomorrow, after school, I have an interview at our House representatives office. I'm (fingers crossed) going to be interning in his office this summer. :-)

So, overall, I'm proud of myself. I mean, obviously, this could all fall apart in the next 3 weeks. Or 3 minutes. But, for me, the overbearing perfectionist (at least on myself, I could care less about others) its nice to not completely fail.

Colleges of the Week (LOL, yes, its come to this; though after Thursday this list might change to CSUN and SDSU :D) : Yale (CT), Brown (Rhode Island), Wellesly (MA), George Washington (I like it more than American right now), Barnard (in NY), and Tufts (MA). Yes, two of those are women's colleges. But, they're both next door to a lot of other colleges and have amazing programs and have a lot of plusses. So. Yeah.

Yale and Brown are Ivy's. Tufts is an almost Ivy...but it seems (from a short perusal of their website) perfect for me. Wellesly is awesome academically, and I fit on the lower end of their acceptances (always a +), I love the location, and I'm beginning to 'get' the whole women's college thing. George Washington is better than American and its likely I'd get in. Barnard is something I'm unsure on. Nothing about them wow's me.

So yeah.

Monday, May 18, 2009

my anger is displayed in rather humorous/atypical ways

second short post of the day.....

but do you know what is SO SO annoying? people on Youtube who comment and somehow make everything from Mozart to the The Killers relate to Twilight. Excuse me while I hit my skull on something similar to concrete.

Twilight is not The Bible. Or Shakespeare. And apparently, the people who do not want Twilight as the defining cultural book (rather, event, phenomenon, commercial materialistic crap) of my generation/century have yet to come together and protest.

21st century does not equal corny, over-romantic, one-dimensional, plastic, airbrushed...vampires.

Vampires were "in" in like, the 1500's. Back when people actually believed in mystical stuff.

Wait, did I say, back when? Sorry, I just got the memo that modernization has never occured.

you've got to help me out

Where do people get the idea that it is okay to wear overalls?

Let me tell you, it is the only thing worse than sweats, pajamas, Juicy Couture, bra straps, bleached blonde hair, and everything else horrible and dispicable in the world combined.

Overalls = NO.

Friday, May 8, 2009

take me back to that place

because that title has never been done for a "stuff I want" post.

2 people on Flickr have dogs named Tashi. They're really cute dogs, so I don't mind.

So, I've checked the weather for the next 10 days. Apparently its finally time to pack away the warm black tights, the adorable LBD, the red heels, the black beret, and well, everything else black in my closet. Or in other words, everything.

I will be the first to admit that I hate summer. I could live a long, long time without sundresses, shorts, lightweight shirts, and sandals. Give me a cashmere men's sweater and I'm good. I like my jeans, my tights, my boots, my black. Basically I like my black. Black is not a summer color. But black is my color.

So, for summer, white is my color. And yes, I like white. Its breezy, airy, cool. Its no black, that's for sure. But sometimes its the only thing you've got. Like when its 108 degrees out. That white starts to look pretty darn good.

Part of my detesting of warm weather is the lack of clothes I have for it. I own four sundresses, two pairs of shorts (that I would actually wear), one skirt, one pair of sandals, and maybe a shirt or two. Maybe that doesn't sound too shabby, but I rarely wear the same thing in the same way twice.

My shopping list currently includes: and this will probably be my birthday list too:

-a leather messenger bag
- a new purse (not cloth, pretty color- perhaps salmon or yellow)
- a Calvin Klein dress from Ross. This is like, the perfect dress. I'd like it in white, maybe yellow. Its a bit stiff and structured, which is probably why I <3 it. Its about $40 though. So we'll see. I want my mommy to buy it for me.
- white heels. I have cream wedges right now, but I'd like some actual white heels.
-a lightweight white sundress, to be worn with all sorts of cardigans and such.
- a cute little straw men's fedora.
- another pair of white ballet flats. I'm getting the impression I'm going to be wearing mine a lot, and since they're from Payless they're guaranteed to get worn out.
- some more light lovely dresses

I want to spend a day in bed. But not in my house. I don't know where. I just do.

Maybe when I go home I'll lie under the trees. We'll see.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

goodbye is the saddest word

So we all know the things where you enter your name and than find out all about yourself are totally vapid of any truth or meaning.
But I did, just for the fun of it, and here we go: (Comments added)
You Are Dreamy and Distracted

You are very intuitive and wise. agreed
You understand the world better than most people. possible
You also have a very active imagination. yes
You often get carried away with your thoughts. hmm hmm
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. not exactly
You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. but than again, yes

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. i strive for perfection but am never the best at anything
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. any agressivness i have is so buried you would be hard pressed to find it
You have the classic "Type A" personality. i've heard that before but don't really know

You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life. yes
You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. eh, yeah
You're most comfortable when you're far away from home. so yeah, that's very true
You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble. again, all right

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong. um, no. i am not 'suave', sexy--welll..., i'm mediocrely smart, and if i'm at all strong physically, i'm extremely weak emotionally
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know. no, i can flirt with almost anyone i know. there is a difference.
You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. uh, actually, i do. i don't crush anyone.
Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do. thank you, sire.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. i don't have the power to carry them out Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. this is both true and untrue
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. probably true

You're a strong person. Um, sorry buddy, no.

my shadow walks beside me

So, I plan on writing a memoir. Well, there's one condition. See, the name is (tentatively) Surviving Suburbia. Of course, to write this brilliant prose (ha), I have to actually survive.

Don't feel much like writing lately. Too much to say, but not enough words.