Thursday, February 26, 2009

sleepy, stupid, and fat.

Today's moods as demonstrated through the 7 dwarfs:

1. Sleepy (authentic dwarf)
2. Stupid
3. Blondie
4. Fat
5. Hungry
6. Stressed
7. Desperate

Its hard for me to beleive that tomorrow at 3:00 my entire perspective on life will probably be changed because every crazy thing I have to do thisweek will finally be finished. ABOUT TIME. Well, I guess the reason its hard to believe is because its not true. I need to do some fun stuff this weekend, though, because next Saturday I'll be at Model UN all day. (Yay!) If I actually had money it would work out better.

Next on the agenda, I'm getting fat. After spending a lot of time printing out pictures of the last year of my life I have come to the conclusion that I have gained weight. Clearly, this is stressful. So of course, to deal with my stress, I have my white chocolate mochas. Which is the most calorie filled drink available at Starbucks. Boo for me. Someone called me a mini-giraffe this morning; which I found endearing. But pretty soon I'll probably be entitled the mini-hippo.

Aww...I'm reading my BFF's blog and she wrote that I'm intelligent and will someday be prestigous. Its so nice to have 1 person on this earth who thinks your smart. :D She calls me Natasha, though, in her posts. Which is wierd. Because reading my name in relation to me is even wierder than hearing my name.

Thirdly, I hate fashion week. Hmmhmm, that's right. I think its stupid. This is the reason I will never be a fashion editor/writer for any magazine. It is my personal opinion that the majority of runway is ridiculous. Its just designers trying to find the newest wierdest thing. I am all for being an individual. That's why I love street fashion. Style blogs. Weardrobe. Etc. Because that's creativity at its prime. It is 10,000 times more cool (to me) to walk into a thrift store and put something amazing together than to have Jean Paul Gaultier deck you out.
Of course, I do love Gaultier. And if he ever wants to deck me out, well, I wouldn't protest.

To top it all off, I am convinced that my hair doesn't grow. I just looked at picture Bethi probably took 9 months ago of me and my hair looked exactly the same. Hmmph.

Why don't guys carry purses? Okay, so maybe not purses like Juicy style. (I use Juicy as a negative example nearly every other post, don't I?) But like, leather man bag style. I guess they do in Europe. Nearly all of my male professors/teachers at school do. And I LOVE them. The bags, I mean. :D I really want a leather messenger bag.

I will never wear overalls. Just thought I'd throw that out there. No matter how popular they are. No matter if every person in America is wearing them. No matter if I live in Podunk, Iowa. I will never wear overalls. or shortalls, or any type of overall skirt/dress.

I want a brick wall. Perhaps Bethany and I will build one on the hill at CalArts for my posing pleasure. :-)

I think America is the boringest country on earth. So maybe its just where I live.

I hate ripped jeans. But I love ripped jeans with leggings underneath. I have odd tastes.

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