Wednesday, June 3, 2009

i saw you

I got a D in Alg2. I could have tried so much harder, I could have worked, I could have passed. I'm mad. I'm not mad at my teacher, or the class, or even math in general. I'm really disappointed in myself.

But honestly, its not the end of the world. I have my whole life and my whole future ahead of me. If I don't get into _____ College because of it, than obviously that's not where I belong. Because, at the end of the day, I can't be a jack of all trades. I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch, but I'm pretty confident the rest of my grades will be okay. It is not who wins the battle, it is who wins the war. I believe in myself, and my dreams are going to come true. (Yes, I purposely used every cliche I could think of in this paragraph.)

It doesn't matter if you win or lose, its how you play the game. And I loved this semester. I learned SO SO much, about so many things. I read a ton. I met a lot of amazing people. I rocked the SAT's. I got an amazing internship with my congressman. I laughed every single day. I lost weight, gained weight, and lost it again. :-D I discovered fashion blogs. I had an amazing experience doing Model UN. I liked a couple guys, but it was all lovely and lighthearted. I went to Disneyland. I danced. I built amazing relationships with my teachers. I drank coffee. A lot of coffee. Way too much coffee. (If you are what you eat (cliche number 200) I am a vanilla latte). I got elected VP of the political science club. I skipped through the city with my BFF. I got through some nasty drama with my dignity in check. I watched the inauguration. I changed my college list a million times. I flirted. I shopped. I read Newsweek. And in my famous words, even if all else had failed, it would be okay. Because I looked fabulous. :-)

My life happiness doesn't depend on that grade, or any grade for that matter. There is so much more to my life. And I love it.

1 comment:

  1. As long as you looked fabulous.
    You are a vanilla latte.
    You dran waaaaaay too much coffee.
    You did flirt.
    A lot.
    I love you. :)
