Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Today we were having this discussion thingymabobber in English and someone brought up the brilliant question of "Can you love someone you don't understand?"

Can you?

Its been stuck on my mind the entire day.

I've thought I was in love quite a few times.
and everytime I was wrong.
but baby, maybe now its different.
cause now its you and me

I wrote that when I was in eighth grade. When I had no idea what love was let alone any common sense. I had no idea how much someone could hurt another person. Well, I had an idea. But it sort of hit me in the face that year.
And than there was somone else. there's been someone else for the last two years. I always say that phrase as if we still have something. but I think I've finally gotten to the place where I can full heartedly say that there is nothing left. There's no hurt feelings, but no happy ones either. they've sort of cancelled each other out. if only every good and bad feeling of the last year could cancel each other out.

I can count the number of people I really truly love on one hand. Maybe less than one hand.

And so, now, I'm on urban dictionary reading Love entries. they're pretty much adorable. And listening to Coldplay and feeling soooo reflective. After all, its February. which happens to be my favorite month. I love Valentines Day. Its my favorite holiday. Yeah, its a bit depressing to hear every person who's actually in a relationships plans...but i know i'm not going to be alone forever.

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